Our Solutions

Trinity Focus’ mission is to provide clients with unique solutions required for their business need, helping to enhance and develop people and business potential that already exists. This will be accomplished through a collaborative partnership based on an inquisitive approach that will discover and exploit potential rather than respond with a ready-made solution.

Trinity Focus Consulting operates from three foundational values: (a) Character matters; even when no one is looking; (b) Ethics means doing the right thing; even if the right thing causes us to lose business; and (c) Integrity is non-negotiable.

Leadership Training

There is a wide debate on whether leaders are born or made. Truth be told, you are a leader if anyone follows you. That said, it is easy to see that not everyone is a great leader. The reality is that most people never take a lot of time to invest in developing their leadership. Leadership is determination, courage, confidence, and the willingness to serve others in an effort to get results. The leadership process is a structured, open-ended pragmatic approach to leadership development that encompasses three key elements:

  • Attitude development
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Goal setting

 Strategic Planning

A great picture of the why behind creating a strategy can be found in the story of Alice in Wonderland. When Alice comes to a crossroads, she has an exchange with Cheshire the cat where she asks “Would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here?” The cat responds with, “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” Alice then says “I don’t much care where –“ and the cat responds with “Then, it doesn’t matter which way you go”. This is a vivid picture that the path we take will determine our destination. Failure to have a direction results in ending up where you are instead of where you want to be.

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Strategic Planning is a process that assists individuals and organizations in developing a strategy, mission statement, vision statement, and a specific plan of action that will guide them towards their short-term and long term goals. The Strategic Planning process is a framework for developing the strategies for an organization, converting those strategies into a business planning process and establishing measurable and attainable organization goals.

Time Management Strategies

We’ve all said it, “I would love to get to that “thing” but I don’t have the time”. No matter what it is we have to do, the time allotted to us will always be 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day. How we manage what we do in this time period is critical; both professionally and personally. The process for time strategies focuses on those activities which return the rewards you desire on a personal and professional level. The following key areas will be addressed:

  • Getting organized
  • The Three D’s
  • Goal-setting
  • Attitude development
  • Learning how to say “no”


In order to master the art of self-leadership, it is essential to work with a Developmental Coach in order to help you understand who you are and what gives your life value. Armed with a Coach beside you, you can know where you are going and how to get there. You will discover:

  • Success comes from within
  • Planning with a purpose
  • Decision making and problem-solving
  • Criteria for effective goal setting



Whether it is a seminar on sales, customer loyalty or leadership, each one is an opportunity to invest in your continued professional development. Seminars are a small time commitment (usually two hours) with a huge return on walking away with something new in your toolkit. Here is a listing of the seminars we offer:

  • Filling Your Sales Funnel
  • Increasing Sales through Networking
  • Winning at Sales
  • Developing a Customer Loyalty Strategy
  • Key Measurements for Building Your Customer Base
  • The Power of Customer Loyalty – the Points of Connection
  • The First Step To Great Leadership – Creating A Compelling Vision
  • The Real Leadership Challenge – Getting & Maintaining Peak Performance
  • How To Outperform And Outlast The Competition – Embracing Change


In today’s environment, it is becoming more critical to have project management skills. Offered in an interactive workshop, Project Management Skills for the Business Professional will provide you with the tools necessary to get you and your team aligned with a common methodology and framework to successfully deliver your projects. This presentation has been delivered at the Society for Human Resources (SHRM) conference as well as various SHRM chapters across the nation.

Rising Stars©

Copyright Resources Associates Corporation

The future of all organizations lies in the hands of our children. How we prepare them for the leadership challenges and opportunities today is critical for their success tomorrow. Developing personal leadership today in our young will solidify our future. A critical element in the development of a young mind is centered around the idea of attitude. The Rising Stars process incorporates innovative self-directed learning strategies where young people take responsibility for their own personal improvement. Key areas addressed in this process include:

  • Keys to a positive self-image
  • Goal setting for success
  • Making decisions and problem-solving
  • Learning from mistakes
  • The power of one’s attitude